Salvemos Santa Catalina y Laguna de Rocha

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sábado, 28 de junio de 2008

Bob Marley - Selassie Is The Chapel (1999)

1. Bob Marley - Don't Rock My Boat (2:33)
2. Bob Marley - The Lord Will Make A Way Somehow (2:14)
3. Bob Marley - Chances Are (3:19)
4. Bob Marley - Selassie Is The Chapel (3:55)
5. Bob Marley - Tread Oh (2:51)
6. Bob Marley - Feel Alright (2:32)
7. Bob Marley - Rhythm (2:32)
8. Bob Marley - Rocking Steady (1:52)
9. Bob Marley - Adam And Eve (3:12)
10. Bob Marley - Wisdom (3:12)
11. Bob Marley - Thank You Lord (3:26)
12. Bob Marley - This Train (2:36)
13. Bob Marley - Give Me A Ticket (1:58)
14. Bob Marley - Trouble On The Road Again (2:36)
15. Bob Marley - Black Progress (2:29)
16. Bob Marley - Black Progress(version) (2:38)
17. Bob Marley - Tread Oh (version) (2:29)

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